Crucial Skills for Confronting the Workplace Bully

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Event Information

Title: Crucial Skills for Confronting the Workplace Bully

Date: Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 1:00 pm EDT

Duration: 00:56:28

Presenter: David Maxfield


In a recent VitalSmarts study of more than 2000 respondents, we found that 96 percent of respondents say they have experienced workplace bullying. Eighty-nine percent of those bullies have been at it for more than a year; 54 percent for more than five years. In some cases, the survey found, bullies have continued in the same job for 30-plus years.

Equally surprising was the widespread effect of bullying. It was rare that the alleged bully picked a single target. In fact, 80 percent of respondents said the bully affected five or more people.

So, how do you stop a bully?

We invite you to join New York Times bestselling author David Maxfield, for a complimentary webcast on Wednesday, June 25, where he will discuss crucial skills you can use to deal with a workplace bully. In addition, you will:

  • See the study findings and hear specific examples from people who’ve been bullied.
  • Learn how to spot the various forms of workplace bullying.
  • Learn how verbal intervention and accountability can deter bullying.

With registration you’ll get access to the complete study findings and other helpful resources. This event will also be recorded and sent to all those who register. You must register in order to get access to the replay.

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