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Event InformationTitle: Managing Tech Teams: Four Unique Rules for Success Date: Wednesday, June 15, 2016, 1:02 pm EDT Duration: 00:41:20 Presenter: Joseph Grenny & David Maxfield About: Every industry swears it is unique—that it requires a distinct set of leadership skills and practices. But no sector can make the case for uniqueness better than Tech. Tech’s combination of high-velocity competition, complexity, global talent, and interdependence among rivals is unmatched. Dense geographic concentration in Silicon Valley, Seattle, Boston, and Bangalore foster even more cultural idiosyncrasies. While extreme anecdotes about Tech culture make for fun social commentary, we at VitalSmarts wondered are they real? and do they matter? Join bestselling authors Joseph Grenny and David Maxfield as they release the results of their study into the cultures and management strategies unique to Hi Tech. Through in-depth interviews with senior and mid-level Tech managers and a study of more than 3,500 employees, Grenny and Maxfield uncovered seven challenges unique to Hi Tech and management strategies for addressing four of these challenges to improve performance. You’ll learn: