WellSpoken Keynote Conversations

WellSpoken Keynotes Conversations will feature Daniel Kraft, M.D. on April 22, 2014 and Farzad Mostashari, M.D. on April 29, 2014. After completing the registration below, instructions will be emailed to you for accessing both events.

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First Event Information

Title: The Future of Health and Medicine: Where Can Technology Take Us?

Date: Tuesday, April 22, 2014, 12:00 pm EDT

Duration: 01:26:41

Presenter: Daniel Kraft, M.D.


From the prospective of a leading physician, scientist and innovator this talk examines rapidly emerging, game changing and convergent technology trends and how they are and will be leveraged to change the face of healthcare and the practice of medicine in the next decade.

A deep dive into where emergent fields such as low cost personal genomics, the digitization of health records, crowd sourced data, molecular imaging, wearable devices & mobile health, synthetic biology, systems medicine, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, 3D printing and regenerative medicine are transforming healthcare, and have the potential to enable clinicians, empower patients, and deliver better care and outcomes at lower cost.

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