Protecting Cultural Heritage From Disasters

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First Event Information

Title: Protecting Cultural Heritage from Fire & Disasters: The Need to Promote Prevention Over Recovery

Date: Friday, September 5, 2014, 7:04 pm EDT

Duration: 00:34:25

Presenter: Christopher E Marrion


More attention and resources need to be focused on creating awareness and disaster prevention/mitigation efforts, rather than waiting and spending limited resources on disaster response/recovery efforts following a disaster. This includes changing legislation and policies, as well as creating awareness throughout local and international preservation organizations.

Disasters are increasing globally. Losses to both our tangible and intangible cultural heritage are increasing as well. These losses include to sites, structures and artifacts of cultural significance, as well as impacts to cultural tourism and financial resources these sites introduce to local communities. There are numerous mitigation and prevention measures that can be implemented to help limit the loss to cultural heritage. While there are some hazards that it may be challenging to totally mitigate against, there are a significant amount of low cost/high impact prevention and mitigation measures that could be put into place to help reduce these losses.

This presentation will highlight the need to create the awareness to have people, associations and other entities pay greater attention to supporting, embracing and promoting a culture of prevention and mitigation as there are significant beneficial impacts, and better ‘investment’ from a cost-benefit perspective than waiting to address disasters through response and recovery. This presentation will also provide a brief overview of promoting a culture of prevention over recovery through a case study using a performance-based approach to protecting historic structures and irreplaceable artifacts that helps address the numerous challenges these facilities present, and ways this approach was applied to this historic Monastery.

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